Former Research Faculty

Molecular Plant Sciences Former Research Faculty


John Browse
Lipid and membrane biochemistry; pathways and regulation of lipid synthesis and membrane formation in higher plants; chilling and freezing tolerance in plants.

Axel Elling
Studying the molecular interactions between nematodes and their host plants and molecular plant defense responses

John K. Fellman
Phytochemistry, chemistry and biochemistry of fruits and their products; postharvest plant physiology.

Lee Hadwiger
Molecular biology of plant disease resistance; plant gene regulation by elicitors from fungi and bacteria.

Michael Kahn
Nitrogen fixation; interactions between plant and bacterial metabolism to support symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

Richard Knowles
Physiological and biochemical changes associated with aging; development of oxidative stress and associated effects on intermediary metabolism; mechanisms of membrane deterioration and protein catabolism during aging.

Andrew G. McCubbin
Pollen-pistil interactions; floral growth and development.

Paul Nabity
Molecular plant-insect interactions, effector biology and evolution, plant defense signaling networks and tradeoffs with growth

Patricia Okubara
Host molecular responses to beneficial and pathogenic soil microbes; molecular diagnoses of and host resistance to soilborne pathogens.

Tobin Peever
Biology, epidemiology and control of diseases affecting small fruit (berries) in the Pacific Northwest.

John Peters
Fundamental electron transfer reactions relevant to energy and agriculture

Sachin Rustgi
Research is a balance between applied and basic sciences with a focus on targeted improvement of cereals using tools of structural and functional genomics

In Memoriam

Bud Ryan

Dieter von Wettstein